
The Mindset Masters Membership

Take your imposter syndrome and crush it with tools designed to boost your confidence.

Founder's Price: $9/month!

Does this sound familiar?

You constantly feel the pressure to make your business successful... and it comes from within.

You wish that you could silence your imposter, but she's loud and doesn't let you have much time to yourself.

You'd like to tell your imposter to take a hike!

Good news- you totally can!

You deserve to...

Feel proud of your accomplishments, no matter what the inner voice you have tells you.

Have the inner peace to make the best decisions for your business and the educators or entrepreneurs that you serve.

Tell that imposter voice to shut the heck up so you can focus on your business.

Good news!

The Mindset Masters Membership is here to help!

So you can finally...

Feel amazing when you make decisions.

Eliminate overwhelm when you need to get work done.

Have more time when you don't have to deal with your imposter syndrome.

Feel less stressed when you improve your mindset and mental wellness.

Be more efficient because you're taking care of yourself.

"You understand the assignment!

My imposter has never been so loud, and I knew it was getting in the way of my success.

You know how to quiet the inner Doug in all of us and empower us to thrive in our Teacher Seller businesses. Such a great session!"

-A TPT Forward 2023 Attendee

Daily Emails of Affirmation

Personal emails from Mikey, written by Mikey (we love ChatGPT, but not for this!)

Daily inbox love for that boost of confidence we all need

Weekly Private Podcasts

A quick, on-the-go jolt of positivity from Mikey

Weekly reminders of how awesome you are

Short yet effective and impactful podcasts

Monthly Zoom Deep Dives

A live Zoom call once per month

Mikey takes a deep dive into a topic like imposter syndrome, mental wellness, and mindset customized and focused on edupreneur challenges

Recorded and posted in the membership portal for future reference

Journals & Reflections

Journal entries targeted to  TPT and edupreneur business folks

Reflections on your imposter and how to quiet the noise and overwhelm

Support from Mikey and the M Cubed members

Increased mental wellness and improved focus on your business tasks and clients

Shut your imposter down with positive belief statements about yourself

Business focused activities that will also positively affect your daily life

Overheard at TPT Forward

I can't tell you how much I needed to hear these words.

I named my imposter.
Her name is Nancy.

She's a bitch, and I can't wait for her to shut the f*ck up!

Stop stressing and start thriving.

Let's recap...

Daily emails with positive affirmations, quotes, and love notes

Weekly private podcast to shower you with confidence and greatness

Monthly Zoom calls to deep dive into some of our biggest challenges

Journals, reflections, and other bonuses


ONLY $9/month for Founding Members!

Your questions, answered.

  • Is this a form of therapy?
    While I'd love for the answer to be yes... it's not, babe. I'm a mental wellness junkie and lover with tons of experience in dealing with imposter syndrome and negative mindsets. However, I am *not* a licensed therapist or counselor.

    That being said, I still firmly believe you will get value out of this membership.
  • Where is all of this magical goodness hosted?
    You'll find everything you need right here on ThriveCart. We utilize the Learn+ platform to host it all in one place.
  • What if this ends up not being what I need?
    Please let me know ( so that I can see what I can do to make your experience better and meaningful. I want to see you succeed!

    However, if this just isn't for you, there is no commitment for the monthly plan.

    If you choose the annual plan and are not getting what you hoped out of it, email and you'll receive a prorated refund.

INSTANT access is waiting for you! 

Contact information

Billing address

Want 1:1 Mindset Coaching?

We'll meet over Zoom and spend time together, focused on the areas of growth that are specific to you. Imposter syndrome, calming techniques, business mindset changes are just some of the topics we can cover together.

This is normally $299, so grab it now to save big!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($9.00/month)$9.00/mo
  • Preferred option
    Annual payment ($99.00)$99.00/yr

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xTPT Seller Mindset Masters$0

All prices in USD

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